How many times have you gone into a store because you have a "Free" item coupon, but ended up getting more things at that store besides the "Free" item. I just did this recently and spent more than the "Free" item was worth (which I didn't even need and actually didn't really want).

I am also guilty of putting more in my online shopping cart, just to get the free shipping that would probably be less than the product I just bought. My rationale for this is that, I can buy a product (that I might need), for somewhat of a discount (e.g. the shipping cost). I know it is not a great rationale, but it works for me!
Free is an extremely influential way to get customers to go to a store or buy more items. People tend to go crazy for "Free", myself included.
I am also guilty of going into a store because they are offering a free item! The word "FREE" is a strong statement and wields a lot of power. I liked this section in the book and glad you blogged about it!