Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Pressed for Time

Why do we always feel like we don't have enough time? The book called this "time poverty" and explained it as more perception than based on factual evidence. I always feel like I have no time, or less time than I had in previous years. I think I have so much more to do and end up finishing everything in less time than I anticipated. There are more choices of things to do and wanting to do them all makes me feel pressed for time, when in reality I waste so much of my time.

An article from CNN, explains why they believe people feel this time constraint. "One problem is that our time has become more valuable. And as time becomes worth more money, we feel like we have less of it."

They performed an experiment where people were playing as consultants and were told they were going to be paid either $9 or $90. When they were told they were being paid $90, they thought that they were more pressed for time than if they were being paid $9.

This article also explains that people still feel more stressed about time, even when they have "me" time. But, their research found that if people helped others, like shoveling a neighbors driveway, they felt less stressed about their time. This is interesting because I would think after getting a massage, you would feel more relaxed and wouldn't think that helping others would make me feel less stressed about what I had to accomplish.

Products have been coming out to save people time. Such as, the Keurig Coffee pot where you don't have wait for a full pot of coffee. Other things that market their products as time savers have the potential to be very successful, especially when people think they are too busy to accomplish the tasks they need to.

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